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Cybersecurity and local authorities: Paris and Montreal case histories

Thomas Le Diouron

The world, cities, and industries are more connected to one another than ever before. To adapt to this fast-changing environment, governments must stay up to date on the latest opportunities, use cases, but also consequences. Digital systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks, which can compromise sensitive information and disrupt government operations. Governments must implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect their systems and citizens’ data.

Impulse Partners nurtures close relationships with governments on French, European, and global scales. We believe that governments, corporates, and startups working together is a key element to accelerating innovation in multiple sectors, including construction, energy, and industry. This ambition to unite all relevant players was reinforced through an international event « Affaires en tandem » held in September of 2022.

To organize this event, Impulse Partners had the opportunity to work with the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montréal (CCMM) and Paris Ouest La Défense (a public inter-municipal cooperation organization located in the western suburbs of Paris, France).

The project was led by the CCMM, which aims to hold virtual events with public and private players around the world focused on several subjects (Deeptech, Cleantech, etc.). The subject of this edition was focused on how startups can help companies tackle both the challenges and the opportunities surrounding cybersecurity.

Impulse Partners used its extensive experience in bringing together ecosystems from around the world and helping them create business opportunities together in order to make sure that this event had the most significant impact possible.

A round table was held during which Valérie Poulin (Director of Economic Intelligence and International Influence at the City of Montréal) had the opening word, followed by multiple interventions by both startups as well as high-level French players.

This event brought together more than 50 participants including Airbus, Orange, the city of Paris, and more!

The participants also benefited from multiple networking sessions following the event!