🚀 [Event] // Impulse Partners was delighted to welcome Saint-Gobain‘s CFO, Sreedhar N. and the Saint-Gobain Nova team at STATION F today

Key issues and innovations in the construction field were discussed such as low-carbon building, upcycling, operational performance, among others

The participants then met 5 startup founders who presented their innovations on those core topics:
👉 XtreeE, the large-scale 3D proposes conception and large scale concrete 3D-printing of complex architectural elements 👏 Alban Mallet
👉 Le Pavé® develops floor coverings made from recycled plastic waste 👏 Marius Hamelot
👉 GenieVision is a site management tool that allows you to apprehend reality through 3D & BIM data thanks to a unique visual interface for the entire life cycle of a building 👏 Philippe Carême
👉 Bosso is a B2B platform that connects hardware stores, manufacturers, and independant contractors in order to make sourcing and obtaining construction materials and tools more fluid, and more affordable 👏 Salwa Shamapande
👉 Recyfe collects and separates materials to improve the window recycling process 👏 Marwan Lisser

#construction #startup #innovation

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